Monday, January 09, 2017


Halo para pembaca, sudah lama tidak menulis di blog. Saya seharusnya sudah tidur tapi coba penjam mata kagak tidur-tidur, jadinya insomnia deh. Makanya saya menulis di blog sambil menuggu ini mata capek. Jujur saya bingung mau menulis apa kali ini, saya berpikir keras hal yang cocok malam-malam gini buat nulis. Menulis tentang kehidupan kuliah aja kali ya?
Tidak terasa sudah 3 tahun saya menjalani kuliah saya, selama kuliah banyak hal yang sudah saya lewati dan alami, seperti tugas, teman baru, uts, uas, seminar, dan lain-lain. Saya enjoy kuliah di sini sambil bekerja, ya walaupun kadang capek juga. Fokus topik kali ini adalah teman selama kuliah.
Pada waktu pertama kali saya masuk kelas pertama saya, saya tidak mengenal siapa pun. Jadi pas masuk pertama saya duduk di paling belakang, dan ternyata ada teman satu sekolah saya  yang satu kelas dan satu jurusan dengan  saya, dia menyuruh saya duduk di depan dengan dia, saya menolaknya karena lebih PeWe di belakang. Hari berikutnya saya mengetahui bahwa ada 4 teman sekolah saya yang satu kelas dan satu jurusan juga dengan saya. Dan pada hari berikutnya lagi ada tugas dari dosen yang menyuruh kami untuk membuat kelompok dan mengerjakan tugas yang akan diberikan oleh dosen. Nasib baik saya sudah mengenal 4 teman sekolah saya tadi, tetapi dibutuhkan satu orang lagi mengisi kuota, akhirnya teman saya yang pada hari pertama ngajakin duduk itu mengundang satu orang laki-laki untuk mengisi kuota tersebut. Pada saat mata kuliah tentang komputer, kami diberikan tugas kelompok lagi dan kali ini kelompoknya ditentukan oleh dosen, kata dosennya supaya lebih mengenal satu sama lain. Setelah ditentukan anggota-anggota kelompoknya, eh saya dijadikan leader sama dosen itu, padahal saya gak pandai memimpin. Selaku leader saya minta deh nomor hp anggota saya, langsung saya tentuin jadwal kerjain tugasnya, oh  ya pada mata kuliah ini juga saya dapat teman yang tadi mengisi kuota tadi, saya ngomong duluan sama dia, rupa-rupanya kami mempunyai jadwal kuliah yang sama. Setelah mata kuliah tentang komputer itu selesai, saya keluar menuju kelas berikutnya, saya gak berharap teman yang ngisi kuota tadi langsung dekat atau jadi teman gitu, eh pas saya keluar dia udah tunguin, semenjak saat itu saya memperoleh satu teman baru yang bernama St.
Pada hari pengerjaan tugas kelompok mata kuliah komputer, saya dan anggota kelompok saya (cie ielah gayanya) berkumpul di salah satu tempat makan, proses pengerjaannya berjalan sangat awkward dan kaku, setelah siap mengerjakan tugas saya hendak bayar pesanan saya, eh malah dibayarin sama dua orang anggota kelompok saya, mereka kayaknya segan sama saya selaku leader (kepedean).
Semester berikutnya saya jalani dengan memiliki 3 teman sekolah saya dan St. Teman saya yang pada hari pertama itu memustukan keluar dan memilih karir yang lebih bagus. Dan semester berikutnya ketika ujian saya duduk dengan St, tapi St punya kawan-kawan baru dan itu cewek semua lagi, diantara mereka ada 2 orang yg pernah satu kelompok pada saat matkul komputer. Saya tidak tahu siapa-siapa aja mereka, saya pun gak begitu dekat dengan mereka, yang dekat mah St. Apakah saya tahu nama mereka? ya mereka adalah Ta, Ju, Je, Yu, Em.
Semester berikutnya lagi saya dan St tidak memiliki jadwal kuliah yang sama, saya dengan 3 teman sekolah dan  St dengan teman-temannya tadi. Diluar aktivitas kuliah, saya jarang keluar (maklum tidak punya teman) loh St? ya dia pernah ngajakin keluar sama teman-temannya tadi tapi saya selalu tolak, lebih enak di rumah oi.
Semester berikutnya yang sedang saya jalani, saya tiba-tiba bisa satu kelas dengan St dan teman-temannya, dari sana saya jadi lebih tahu mereka.
Tak disangka saya punya teman-teman yang baik, tidak sombong, rajin menabung, pintar, dan saling membantu.
Saya sangat senang bisa mengenal mereka, sekian cerita dari saya. Soalnya uda ngantuk nih, makasih ya.

Friday, June 19, 2015

I'm an Introvert !!

Hello, i’m back again. It’s been two years since i went to college and during that time until now i still don’t have a special or a moment that i won’t forget. Maybe i’m not the person like i used to be or things are different, i don’t know. I become more quite in the class, not talk too much with my colleagues and i miss the sun lol. They think i’m arrogant, scary and many more but who give a shit about that. You are free to judge me nobody forbid you.  When you read this you will think i have no friends in college but i have, they made a group and i’m not so active lol.  I guess there is something wrong with me?
Well i’m thinking and thinking, i’m an introvert.  I enjoy my silence thats what i am. My friends are extrovert so this is make sense. Don’t know what is introvert and extrovert?? Google it! It’s not surprise when they want to hang out the will not asking me. When  i read about introvert on google, i feel awesome and i like it.  So if you’re an introvert or a extrovert don’t be shy and hate what you are,  because there is a beauty in that.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Malaysia Airlines Tragedy

Hello i'm back again, sorry i've been busy lately. What i miss?? hmm.... oh yes i forgot to say happy new year to all my bloger readers and happy valentines for all couples, i know it's late but at least i say it. Okay lately i heard a plane is missing. What plane? the malaysia airlines, they take off from kuala lumpur and want to get into beijing but when the plane entered the vietnam area, they couldn't be contacted. What happened? we still don't know. Many countries all around the world offer their help to malaysia so they can find that plane, but until now they haven't found it yet, the plane still in mystery. Speaking about mystery, there are 2 passengers in that plane with italy and austria passport but according to news those passport belong to luigi maraldi (italy) and christian kozel (austria), and the owners are not in the plane, so the suspicion appear on many people, probably the terrorists stole the passports and the imigration officer said their face were like asian but cctv not show them look like asian. The families of victims of malaysia airlines are still waiting and worried and hope the plane will be found soon. Well what i can say,keep staying strong and praying that relatives of victims are okay, we hope this tragedy will be end soon. #prayforMH370 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Ambition (dream)

Hello, im back again. Its the last week of the month so im gonna write about my dreams or ambition. on the previous blog i wrote that once i had a dream to become a professional football player. But thats not the only dream i ever had, i mean i still have a dream. what is it? i wanna travel to all around the world. why? i wanna go to some great places like moscow,paris,london,rome,copacabana and many more. i would like to meet new people,feel the culture, and enjoy the landscape.

those pictures i took it from google,you know i never been there before. i hope someday i can go there. so to make it happen i will start to save the money. and just for information those pictures represent the places i wanna go.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Football Chapter

Hi its me again :) what topic should i write this time hmmmm....... how about football (soccer). Yeah, football is one of my favorite sport. My favorite teams are manchester united,real madrid and ac milan. I love to see them when they were playing. I dont have any favorite players. When i was kid i had a dream that i wanna be a professional football player, its only a silly dream. In senior high school i had a futsal team they were called RFC (Ravens Futsal Club). We never compete in high level only the qualification of yos cup. In 2011 we finished in 3rd position and we didnt make it to the next round, in 2012 we got 4th position. We were pretty good actually but our rivals better. I used to  play as defender in futsal and my teammates trusted me. Well i guess thats all for now, see you around :)

Monday, June 10, 2013

introduction :)

hello guys i'm new on here and i just made this blog. first of all i wanna introduce myself to you like who i am, where i'm coming from. so my name is ronaldo koesnadi, i'm a male -_- i was born in jambi 7th august 1995. perhaps you don't know where is jambi, well jambi is a part of sumatera island (indonesia) you will find it if you google it :) and now i'm live in batam island it's close to singapore and malaysia,you can find any tourists on weekend mostly from singapore, they spending their money to buy daily needs. okay thats enough about batam we'll continue, i'm 17 years old i just graduated from senior high school, you know what it means?? yeah correct i will go to university. where?? well in universitas putera batam (batam son university in english). yeah not cool right?? I never have had a girlfriend, i'm not interesting i prefer to friendship. my hobby are play football, surfing the internet such as google,facebook,twitter and many more. i think thats all for now if you have a question you can ask me on here or twitter @ronaldo4523 see you there :)