Monday, March 10, 2014

Malaysia Airlines Tragedy

Hello i'm back again, sorry i've been busy lately. What i miss?? hmm.... oh yes i forgot to say happy new year to all my bloger readers and happy valentines for all couples, i know it's late but at least i say it. Okay lately i heard a plane is missing. What plane? the malaysia airlines, they take off from kuala lumpur and want to get into beijing but when the plane entered the vietnam area, they couldn't be contacted. What happened? we still don't know. Many countries all around the world offer their help to malaysia so they can find that plane, but until now they haven't found it yet, the plane still in mystery. Speaking about mystery, there are 2 passengers in that plane with italy and austria passport but according to news those passport belong to luigi maraldi (italy) and christian kozel (austria), and the owners are not in the plane, so the suspicion appear on many people, probably the terrorists stole the passports and the imigration officer said their face were like asian but cctv not show them look like asian. The families of victims of malaysia airlines are still waiting and worried and hope the plane will be found soon. Well what i can say,keep staying strong and praying that relatives of victims are okay, we hope this tragedy will be end soon. #prayforMH370